She is a member of Interdisciplinary Studies and Engineering Design Study Program committees at KTU. She has 14 years experience in design field and 4 years in innovation management. Her research is focused on the role of design in the disciplinary changes within the areas of innovation management & social innovation. Previously she was head of Design department at Vilnius Art Academy, Kaunas Faculty. Within a period of 2014-2018 she was a leader of over 17 design innovation projects developed for local SME’s. She is involved in Design and CCI policy related activities in Lithuania: was the leader of Lithuanian Regional Implementation Group at Interreg IVC Incompass Project – Regional Policy improvement for financially sustainable creative incubators units; a member of Lithuanian Smart Specialization workgroup at Lithuanian Ministry of Finance, responsible for the pathfinders of Creative and Inclusive Society priority for 2014-2020; other research and CCI field workgroups of the national level. She is a co-founder of a cultural design project “DesignLibrary Kaunas” at Kaunas University of Technology, a co-founder and chair of a scientific design conference 4D – Designing Development Developing Design.