KANSEI (Affective) design
Monday, October 21, 14:00 – 15:30
The workshop aims to explore affective design. The cases of product development by Kansei (Affective) Engineering that yields absolute emotional bond with consumers will be introduced by Professor Nagamachi, the founder of Kansei Engineering of which approach has been little discussed from the managerial perspective. The participants will subsequently discuss its significance, or possibly insignificance, in designing product and subsequent service for the concurrent and future society.
Sponsor: DML, Ritsumeikan University.
Academic Speaker/Workshop instructor:
Mitsuo, Nagamachi, Hiroshima University, Hiroshima, Japan.
Yuuki Shigemoto, Toyama University of International Studies, Toyama, Japan.
Participants: 10 – 14
Inspiration, Justification and Innovation
Tuesday, October 22, 14:00 – 15:30
The aim of the workshop is to explore the relationship among inspiration, justification, and Innovation. Abduction, which is comprised of the inspiration and the justification, is the core of design practice. Nevertheless, most of non-design-oriented companies have failed to take advantage of abduction for innovation. Thus, it is important to provide a methodology to non-design-oriented companies to manage the the inspiration and the justification to non-design-oriented companies. Additionally, IT can accelerate the education and an the implementation of management of the the inspiration and the justification so as for to bring about innovation across the entire organization.
A fruitful discussion is expected in the workshop to facilitate an understanding of how a designer manages his/her own or other person’s people’ inspiration and justification for innovation. Additionally, as a part of the workshop, one is expected to understand the contribution of IT in transferring the knowledge of design practice to non-design-oriented companies.
Sponsor: Information Services International-Dentsu
Academic Speaker/Workshop instructor: Satoru Goto, Ritsumeikan University, Osaka, Japan.
Participants: 10 – 14
What is the design capability necessary for the leadership of business people in the next era?
Tuesday, October 22, 16:00 – 17:30
Recently, every corporation has faced an unpredictable situation called “VUCA (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, Ambiguity) World” with the development of the global market.
In this kind of situation, it is necessary for business people to explore a new style of leadership adapting to that.
The leadership in business has been recognised as the ability to lead the organisation of a person who takes an authoritative position thus far. From now on, however, it is required the new leadership which has a role to raise the motivation of stakeholders, show their direction, and create the future, regardless of the position or the authority.
We think design capability would play an important role in such leadership. However, what kind of elements in design capability could be helpful for that has not been examined enough yet.
Therefore the workshop aims to explore the role of design capability in the new styles of leadership in the next era while referring to some cases of current human resource development programs in Japanese companies from the various viewpoints of participants who have the experience of the design expert.
Sponsor: Human Quest
Academic Speaker/Workshop instructor:
Mitsuru Onishi, Human Quest Co., Ltd, Tokyo, Japan.
Kazaru Yaegashi, Ritsumeikan University, Osaka, Japan.
Participants: 10 – 14